
Snowplow vs. snowblower: which is suitable for your needs?

When it comes to clearing snow from driveways and walkways, two popular options stand out: snowplows and snowblowers. Deciding between the two can be challenging, and there are several factors to consider. Here are some of the pros and cons of snowplows and snowblowers to help you decide which snow-clearing option aligns best with your needs.

Pros and conds of snowplows

Here are a handful of pros and cons to investing in a snowplow:

Efficiency. Snowplows excel in clearing large areas quickly. They’re ideal for expansive driveways, commercial lots, and properties with extensive ground to cover.

Less physical exertion. Operating a snowplow is less physically demanding than shovelling or using a snowblower. It’s a practical choice for those who want to minimize manual labour.

Great for heavy snow. Snowplows can tackle heavy, wet snow more effectively than some snowblowers, making them suitable for regions with dense snowfall.

Keep in mind that acquiring and installing a snowplow can be a significant upfront investment. However, this cost may be justifiable for those with large properties or businesses. Asnowplow typically attaches to a truck or SUV, so you must factor that into the overall cost if you don’t own a suitable vehicle.

Advantages and disadvantages of snowblowers

Here’s an overview of why you may want to or not want to invest in a snowblower:

Manoeuvrability. Snowblowers are compact and easy to manoeuvre, making them suitable for narrow driveways, pathwaysand spaces with limited access.

Affordability. Compared to snowplows, snowblowers are generally more budget-friendly, with models available at several price points. This makes them an attractive option for homeowners on a tighter budget.

Independence. Snowblowers operate independently of your vehicle, allowing you to clear snow without relying on a truck or SUV.

However, while efficient for smaller spaces, snowblowers may be time-consuming when dealing with extensive driveways or commercial lots. Additionally,some snowblowers may struggle with wet, heavy snow. Therefore, if you live in an areas that experiences frequent heavy snowfall, you may need to invest in a more powerful model.

Factors to consider

Here are some key factors to consider when choosing between a snowplow and a snowblower:

Property size. A snowplow may be the most efficient choice for large properties. Smaller areas can benefit from the manoeuverability of a snowblower.

Snowfall characteristics. Consider the type and amount of snowfall in your region. A snowplow might be more effective if you often contend with heavy, wet snow.

Budget. Your budget plays a significant role in the decision-making process. Assess both the upfront costs and potential long-term expenses.

Trusted snowplow dealers in the GTA

At Hitch City, we carry a wide range of snow-clearing equipment, including snowplows and snowblowers from industry-leading brands. Besides towing equipment and truck accessories,we’re also trusted snowplow dealers in Scarborough and Mississauga. Contact us today to learn more about our products or request a quote online.

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