
Keep Ice Under Control with the Right Snow Equipment in Toronto

There’s no doubt about it, winter is Toronto’s most treacherous season. With the freezing rain, snow, ice and sleet it can sometimes be hard to even get out of the house. Keep reading for eight tips that’ll help you stay safe and keep ice under control this winter.

  1. Use major roads

Emergency routes and major arteries are the first to get attention from the city’s snow equipment so these roads are usually the safest to drive on. Just remember to drive slowly and leave plenty of space between you and the car ahead of you.

  1. Clear your roof

Removing the snow on the roof of your home can protect your roof and also improve safety on the ground by preventing large sheets of ice from falling whenever the temperature rises.

  1. Shovel every snowfall

You don’t want to let the white stuff pile up. If the snow covering your driveway and sidewalks melts and refreezes a thick layer of ice will form, making it dangerous for you and your loved ones to walk to and from your home. Snow plows and snow blowers can help you clear the path and prevent ice from becoming a problem.

  1. Use a snow plow

If you’re responsible for keeping a large parking lot or driveway clear you probably won’t want to spend all day clearing it by hand. Snow plows are designed to make short work of removing snow so you can keep ice under control and make sure your visitors are safe whenever they’re on your property.

  1. Buy a snow blower

For smaller lots or for residential purposes, snow blowers are the perfect tool for clearing snow. Use your snow blower after every new snow fall and then follow up with a salt spreader to prevent compacted snow and ice build-up.

  1. Spread salt or sand

Over time, as temperatures rise and dip, compacted snow can easily turn into a heavy sheet of ice. If it snows again, this layer of ice may be hidden from view. The best way to keep ice under control is to quickly remove freshly fallen snow and then use a salt spreader to melt any remaining snow and ice.  


Toronto winters are full of challenges but having the right snow equipment, like snow plows, snow blowers and good quality shovels can make the winter season much safer for everyone.

Visit Hitch City for snow removal supplies from brand names like Arctic, Fisher, Wester, Husqvarna and more. Contact one of our three locations in Mississauga, Barrie or Scarborough today to find out what’s in store!


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