

Advances made in producing lithium-ion batteries have significantly impacted lawn and garden equipment. Today, you can purchase battery-powered chainsaws, leaf blowers, and even lawn mowers. If you’re updating your turf equipment, here are five benefits of going with battery-operated models.


If you’re budget-minded, battery-powered implements are typically cheaper than gas-powered ones. You’ll also save money because you won’t have to purchase gas and oil.


Battery-powered turf equipment requires little to no maintenance. Fuel-powered implements, however, require fuel refills, oil changes, air filter changes, new spark plugs and annual tune-ups. Battery-powered tools only require a fully charged battery. That said, you’ll still need to sharpen blades and oil chains, among other things.


For ease of operation, you can’t beat battery-powered tools. There are no pull-cords to start the motor and no long electrical cables to drag around the yard and possibly trip over. Equipment that runs on batteries is typically smaller and easier to maneuver than gas-powered tools.

Battery-powered machines are lighter than their gasoline counterparts. A gas-powered lawn mower, for example, can weigh more than 40 kilograms, while a typical battery-powered mower weighs around 25 kilograms.


Battery-powered lawn equipment is much less noisy than fuel-powered tools. For instance, a gas-powered lawn mower emits about 95 decibels of sound, similar to a running motorcycle. A mower powered by a battery emits 65 to 75 decibels, the equivalent of a washing machine in use.

Battery-powered is much easier on your ears and can be helpful when you don’t want to disturb your neighbours.


Using battery-powered turf tools significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Gas-powered implements emit hydrocarbons, which contribute to climate change. So, if your carbon footprint is something you want to minimize, then going battery-powered is the better choice.

Battery vs gas-powered

Battery-powered lawn equipment is a sensible choice for those who have smaller yards and limited storage space. A lawn mower powered by a fully-charged lithium-ion battery is usually enough to tackle approximately 1,300 square metres. Those with larger properties and lawns should probably stick with gas-powered landscaping equipment.

Lawn and garden equipment in the GTA

At Hitch City, we carry a variety of battery-powered lawn and garden equipment, as well as a comprehensive selection of fuel-powered turf equipment from the industry’s top brands. We also offer truck and trailer accessories and hitch products to carry your turf tools to your job site. To learn more, visit or contact us today at our Mississauga, Scarborough or Barrie location.

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