
Winter chainsaw maintenance tips

Cold temperatures can be harsh on your outdoor power equipment, and neglecting chainsaw maintenance can lead to decreased performance and potential safety hazards. Follow these winter maintenance tips to keep your chainsaw running smoothly and safely in chilly weather.

  1. Keep the chainsaw clean. Regularly clean the sprocket cover. This component is prone to accumulating debris in wet and snowy conditions. Also, ensure the chain brake is clean to prevent wear and tear on the clutch and sprocket. Finally, remove frozen sawdust and oil that has accumulated in the bar and chain. This can hinder the chain’s movement and compromise the chainsaw’s cutting efficiency.
  2. Keep moisture out of the fuel. Moisture in the fuel system can lead to starting issues and poor engine performance. Before you open it, brush away snow, frozen sawdust and moisture from the fuel tank. Keep the fuel at a constant temperature to avoid condensation. This means avoiding storing fuel in warm locations and then taking it out into the cold.
  3. Use more bar oil. In winter, lubrication demands for chainsaws increase. Cold temperatures can thicken the bar oil, making it less effective. Use a winter-grade bar oil that maintains proper lubrication in freezing conditions.
  4. Clear the air intake. An obstructed air intake can cause the chainsaw engine to overheat. Clear away snow, iceand frozen sawdust from the air intake to ensure proper airflow. Additionally, ensure the filter doesn’t get too wet. Remember that bulky winter clothing can also get stuck in the cool air intake and cause overheating.
  5. Sharpen the chain. Cold weather makes wood harder, so maintaining a sharp chain becomes even more critical. Regularly inspect the chain for dullness and sharpen it as needed. Consider decreasing the top-plate filing angle by about five degrees or invest in a carbide-tip saw chain to cut through frozen wood more easily.

Safety tips for winter chainsaw use

Using a chainsaw in winter comes with its share of unique safety concerns:

• Safety gear. Always wear a helmet with a face shield, as frozen wood splinters more easily. Remember hearing protection, gloves and chainsaw chaps or pants. Also, add extra layers for insulation against the cold.

• Brittle wood.Wood becomes more brittle in cold temperatures, so be cautious of potential kickbacks. Moreover, trees with crowns heavy with snow can crack and fall sooner than expected. Have an escape plan before you begin, keeping in mind you’re less agile in bulky winter clothing.

Professional-grade chainsaws and lawn mowers for Toronto landscapers

At Hitch City, we offer professional chainsaws, top-handle arborist saws, pole saws and stump grinders for all your tree care needs. We also offer maintenance and repair services for your outdoor power equipment. Contact us today to learn more about our turf equipment, lawn mowers, towing hitches and truck accessories.

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