
Should you rake or mulch your leaves?

As the vibrant colours of autumn take over, homeowners are faced with a decision: should you rake or mulch the leaves that fall on the lawn? Here’s why you should remove leaves from your lawn in the fall and why mulching is better than traditional raking.

Why you should remove leaves from your lawn

Removing leaves from your lawn is essential to maintaining its health and appearance. Here’s why:

Leaves suffocate the lawn. A thick layer of leaves can suffocate your lawn by blocking sunlight, air and moisture. This creates a hostile environment for grass, leading to weakened and yellowing patches.

Leaves attract pests and disease. Accumulated leaves provide an ideal breeding ground for pests and diseases. Moist and sheltered, fallen leaves can harbour insects and fungi that can damage your lawn.

Failing to remove leaves from your lawn will result in weak grass, brown spots and slow regrowth come spring.

Why mulching is better than raking

Mulching your leaves is a superior choice to raking, providing the following benefits:

Nutrient recycling. Mulching leaves with a lawn mower breaks them down into smaller pieces, which, in turn, adds valuable organic matter back to the soil. This process recycles nutrients, benefitting your lawn and reducing the need for fertilizers.

Moisture retention. Mulched leaves act as a protective layer, retaining moisture in the soil. This helps your lawn withstand dry spells and reduces the frequency of watering.

Weed suppression. Mulching leaves can help suppress weed growth by creating a barrier that inhibits weed seeds from germinating.

Time and effort savings. Raking leaves can be a labour-intensive and time-consuming task, especially for those with large lawns. Mulching, on the other hand, simplifies the process without the need for bagging or disposal.

How to mulch your leaves

Here are some tips for converting your leaves into mulch:

Choose the right equipment. To mulch leaves effectively, use a lawn mower equipped with a mulching blade. The mulching blade cuts the leaves into smaller pieces which can decompose easily.

Do it often. Mulch regularly throughout the fall season to prevent leaves from forming thick layers on the lawn.

Wait until it’s dry. Mulch leaves when they’re dry and not matted together. This ensures that the leaves can be chopped into small pieces.

Spread it out. Mow your lawn in a back-and-forth pattern to shred the leaves thoroughly. The chopped leaves will then be distributed evenly across the lawn as natural mulch.

Lawn mowers and turf equipment in the GTA

At Hitch City, we carry more than towing and truck accessories. We offer an array of mulching lawn mowers and a complete line of turf equipment for homeowners and landscapers. Contact us today to learn more about our high-quality products.

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