

In fall, it’s important to prepare your lawn for the winter months ahead. Leaving your grass unattended before the snow flies can result in dead, brown patches of lawn come spring. It’s far simpler to take the necessary precautions to protect your grass. To get your lawn ready for winter, follow these five simple steps.

1. Rake

Fallen leaves can smother and kill your grass over winter. Rake away fallen leaves and clean your lawn as much as possible to prevent the thatch layer from getting too thick. (Thatch is the layer of dead grass and debris between the soil and your grass. This layer can accumulate over time and prevent water and nutrients from reaching your lawn’s roots.) Make sure to put the leaves in your compost pile.

2. Aerate

Core aeration removes small cores of soil from your lawn, allowing more oxygen, water and nutrients to get through to the root system. It also helps keep the thatch layer down. After aerating, spread some compost or a top-dressing over your lawn.

3. Mow

In summer, lawn mowers should be set to a mowing height of around 6.3 centimetres (2.5 inches). In the fall, reduce the height of your lawn mower deck to about 3.8 to 5 centimetres (1.5 to 2 inches). Cutting your grass shorter in the fall prevents rodents, such as field mice and voles, from burrowing into your lawn during the winter. It also prevents diseases such as snow mould.

4. Seed

With the help of a spreader, overseed your lawn with a cool-season grass variety. Seeding your lawn six to eight weeks before the first hard freeze will help fill in dead spots and will help create a nice thick lawn for the next season.

5. Fertilize

Fall fertilization gives your grass and seedlings the nutrients they need to stay strong and healthy through the winter. Your grass will come up greener and healthier in the spring with fewer weeds.

Lawn and garden equipment in the GTA

At Hitch City, we sell, repair and maintain all types of turf equipment to help you get your yard ready for winter, including lawn mowers, core aerators and spreaders. We also sell towing hitches, bike carriers, sport racks and more. Plus, our three convenient locations across the Greater Toronto Area are snow plow dealers as well. Contact us today to learn more.

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